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Postural Control Part 1 – Proprioception

In the next few blog posts we’re going to cover some of the basic components constituting to balance and posture. I’m also going to try to paint a bigger picture…

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What’s the most common muscle imbalance we see?

When we consider the important concept of spinal stability, there’s 2 factors that contribute to the picture. They are: CONTROL, and STRENGTH In other words, if you want a spine that…

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Neuroplasticity – what on earth is that?

  What is neuroplasticity, and why is it important? Whether you realise it or not, your body and brain are constantly “re-wiring” and adapting to the environment around it. If…

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Exercise & Ageing

Exercising as you age As quality of life improves and life spans increase, people are continuing to be physically active for longer.  Middle to older aged people are continuing  to…

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The World’s Greatest Shave

By Ian Lawson, 17 March 2014 It started as a bit of fun, tinged with a slight sense of doubt that I could really get 100 of our patients and friends…

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Core stability and chiropractic

The phrase “core stability” is one that gets thrown around a lot by trainers, athletes, therapists and doctors.  The average person probably knows that they need good core stability, but…

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