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The New You

It’s that time of year once more when everybody is setting out New Year’s Resolutions and regrettably it won’t be long till a majority of people begin breaking them. There…

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Tips to Prevent Groin Strains

Groin injuries account for up to 5 percent of all sports-related injuries, and the rates are much higher for sports such as football, soccer and hockey.  Below are helpful tips…

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Golf Tips for Injury Prevention

If you take the Physiotherapy approach, you’re in good company. Physios suggest these simple measures to help you avoid back pain or injury and improve your game: Purchase equipment that…

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Golf Tips for a Healthier Back

If you take the chiropractic approach, you’re in good company. Tiger Woods says that lifting weights and visiting his chiropractor regularly have made him a better golfer. Chiropractors suggest these…

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The Importance of Keeping Children Physically Active

Daily physical activity is vital for all Australian children and young people. The Australian physical activity guidelines provide clear recommendations for the minimum amount of physical activity required by children…

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Tips to avoid Injuries

Injuries often occur when people suddenly increase the duration, intensity, or frequency of their activities. Many soft-tissue injuries can be prevented through proper conditioning, training, and equipment. Other prevention tips…

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