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Health & Happiness

Our health is inextricably connected to our happiness. And vice versa. Those two things come in many ways, shapes and forms, but stripped down to its simplest form, what most…

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Technology & Children

Ninety-two percent of Australian children aged 5-14 years use information and communication technologies including computers, with increased use correlated with higher age. 87% of boys and 80% of girls regularly…

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Shoulder Blades Stretch

Stretch the shoulder blades by having your child stand with his arms stretched out, parallel to the ground. Keep the palms facing backward with her thumbs toward the ground. Have…

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Keep Active in Autumn

Don’t let that sudden nip in the air put your workout plans into hibernation. Instead take your exercise routine inside. You’ll find a substitute for almost every outdoor exercise activity….

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Golf and Chiropractic

Golf and chiropractic are a natural fit. For years, golf back pain has been accepted by golfers as some kind of badge of honour. But now golfers everywhere are beginning…

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Good friends contribute to your health and well-being.

Spending time with friends is fun, but it may also yield a multitude of long-term physical and emotional health benefits. Studies show that healthy relationships make aging more enjoyable, lessen…

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