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Hip Stretch

The hips are another common problem area for people with arthritis. Get on your hands and knees on a mat or comfortable carpet. Extend one leg up and out behind…

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Simple Shoulder Stretch

To release shoulder and neck tension, follow the steps below; Stand tall and slide your left hand down the left side of your body. Raise your right shoulder as your…

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Get More Sleep

What can help you feel more energized during the day, improve your mood and even help you lose weight? Sleep! The body repairs and regenerates during sleep. Even calcium is…

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Calf Stretch

Start standing on one leg on a stair or curb, with your heel hanging off the back. Gently press your heel toward the ground until you feel a gentle pull…

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New Year Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions are a bit like babies, they’re fun to make but extremely difficult to maintain. Why not take the opportunity to set your mind on ways to live…

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Stay Healthy During the Festive Season

The warmer weather is well and truly here and Christmas is fast approaching. You can feel the party vibe in the air. With a little planning, you can stay in good health…

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