The World’s Greatest Shave

Posted Mar 17, 2014 by Pinnacle Spine & Sports

By Ian Lawson, 17 March 2014


It started as a bit of fun, tinged with a slight sense of doubt that I could really get 100 of our patients and friends on board, but on Saturday I took part in the Leukaemia Foundation’s ‘World’s Greatest Shave’.

Here’s the Facebook post we put up on the 11th of February:

facebook screenshot

And so, 36 hours and 110 likes later, I was booked in to do the World’s Greatest Shave!


And thanks to the generous support of a lot of you, I have been able to raise over $1,300 for the Leukaemia Foundation, who provide essential research, treatment and support for leukaemia patients and their families. It really is a fantastic cause, and I am thankful to those who were able to give their support (both financial and moral!)

It’s not too late to donate, and you can do so here:

So, onto the photos. I know that’s what you’re all really here for.


My two sons keen to get in on the action




Time for a bit of fun!
Not a bad look!
Appropriate hairstyle for work on Monday morning?
The final product. Time to find that beanie….

Thanks again for your support everyone! Click here if you still want to donate and support the Leukaemia Foundation. All donations $2 and over are tax deductible:


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