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Winter Sports

Sport is an important part of the culture in Australia, with a long history in the country dating back to the pre-colonial period. Australia’s mild winters mean that in most parts of…

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Exercise and Core Stability

The phrase “core stability” is one that gets thrown around a lot by trainers, athletes, therapists and doctors.  The average person probably knows that they need good core stability, but…

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The Spine

The spine is made of 33 individual bones stacked one on top of the other. Ligaments and muscles connect the bones together and keep them aligned. The spinal column provides…

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The Importance of Prehabilitation

Participation in athletic activities of all kinds, at all ages, is at an all-time high.  Accordingly, sports injuries are also on the rise.  However, many injuries can be avoided. To…

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Chiropractic and Pregnancy

As many new mothers can attest, the muscle strains of pregnancy are very real and can be more than just a nuisance. The average weight gain of 10-16kgs, combined with…

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Helpful Tips for Surviving Christmas

Christmas is a time for merry-making and family get-togethers, but it can have its pressures too. The family is stuck in the house, the kids are overexcited, there’s the tree to decorate,…

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