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How Your Neck Can Cause Pain In Your Head

If you suffer from persistent or recurring headaches, it may be that your neck is the culprit (and you may not even have pain!) This cause of headache has been…

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What is Social Wellness?

Social Wellness is our ability to maintain healthy, supportive relationships with other people. Social Wellness is necessary for your well-being and longevity. Poor social health can result in sickness & disease….

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Flexion Stretch – Chin to Chest

Gently bend your head forward while bringing your chin toward your chest. Stop when a stretch is felt in the back of your neck. Hold position for 15-30 seconds. Return…

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Natural Oils for Winter Skin

Natural oils are the ideal solution for winter skin problems. Not only do they provide moisture, but in their natural state, natural oils often contain anti-aging nutrients that can repair…

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Quadriceps Stretch

Using a towel, lie on your stomach. Attach the band your right foot and pull your heel to your butt. Hold this stretch for 1 min. Repeat 3 times. Change…

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Core Stability

Core Stability’ is probably one of the most used and abused terms floating around health clubs, amongst health professionals and personal trainers. Osteopaths are seeing an increasing number of people…

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