Jane Davidson

Customer Care & Admin

Jane Davidson-01

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Jane, like many of our current and past team members, started at Pinnacle as a patient experiencing life from the other side of the reception desk. Having seen the benefits first hand through her own journey, she jumped at the chance to join the team when an opening came up!

Jane loves to help others gain the same improvements that she did (and continues to do) as a patient of the clinic. She has a background in the health industry, working as a theatre nurse for 30 years for a cerebrovascular neurosurgeon. After this time she transitioned to a more administrative role setting up the post-graduate medical school and hospital at Macquarie University.

When she’s not at Pinnacle, you may just find her on the golf course or at the range. A recent devotee of the wonderful game, she enjoys getting out and being active, something which she encourages each of our patients to do on a regular basis too. If it’s not golf keeping her active, it’ll be her dog!

If there’s anything Jane can help you with during your visit to the clinic, please don’t hesitate to ask.

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