Jack Rogers

BChiroSc, MChiroprac
Chiropractor and Clinical Operations

Jack Rogers_2024-01

Jack’s consulting hours:

  • Monday 2 – 7pm
  • Wednesday 8am – 12:30pm
  • Friday 7am – 12pm

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Jack is a chiropractor with a wide range of skills in his arsenal to help diagnose, treat and manage a large range of injuries & conditions.

Jack is a highly skilled, experienced chiropractor who graduated from Macquarie University with a Bachelor of Chiropractic Science in 2011 and Masters of Chiropractic in 2013.

Since completing his clinical masters, Jack has continued his professional development extensively, in areas including Chiropractic Neurology and Sacro-Occipital Technique. Jack is a certified practitioner of Professional Applied Kinesiology, Dry Needling, and IASTM tools (instrument assisted soft tissue mobilisation). This allows Jack to incorporate many different techniques as part of his treatments.

Jack is also currently undertaking extensive post-graduate study in the area of orthopaedics & chiropractic neurology. His aim of becoming board-certified as a Fellow of the American Academy of Chiropractic Orthopaedists is achieved by less than 2% of practitioners, and will set him apart from most chiropractors in Sydney (including his boss!)

Jack’s passion lies in treating acute injuries. Although Jack employs a whole-body approach with his patients, he has a particular interest in managing disorders of the lumbar spine including disc lesions, sciatica, facet joint pain, spondylolisthesis and osteoarthritis.

When Jack’s not at the clinic you may see him on the golf course maintaining his sub-4 handicap, on the cricket field at Briars or trekking through the bush in his ute searching for the perfect campsite.

Jack is looking forward to meeting you and helping you improve your overall health and get your body back to functioning optimally!

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