Ian Lawson

BChiroSc, MChiroprac
Chiropractor and Clinic Director

Ian Lawson_2024-01

Ian’s consulting hours:

  • Monday 9am-5pm
  • Thursday 9am-7pm

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Ian has been at the helm of Pinnacle Spine & Sports since its beginnings as Canada Bay Chiropractic in 2006. A Master of Chiropractic graduate from Macquarie University in Sydney, he has developed a strong reputation as a highly skilled and caring chiropractor who always puts his patients first.

Ian gained a keen interest in several areas of chiropractic whilst studying the Bachelor and Masters degrees at Macquarie University such as acute pain management, sports injuries, neurology, balance & vestibular conditions, rehabilitation, peripheral treatment (eg. feet/knees/hips/shoulder/etc), and chronic pain management.

Since graduating Ian continues to attend several conferences and seminars each year. Through one of these seminar series he has become a specialist in “whole body adjusting”, a technique which utilises corrections to the structure of the entire body to affect the overall function of both the mechanical (ie. joints & muscles) and neurological (ie. the nervous system) systems in the body. He has also completed further study in Chiropractic Neurology, Spinal Diagnosis, Headache & Migraine Treatment and management of Balance & Vestibular disorders through Chiropractic Development International (CDI), completing their highly regarded 5 module program in 2012.

He loves getting to know all the locals (and not-so-locals) who come in to the clinic, and he looks forward to meeting more in the years ahead. Ian is happy to chat at any time about how treatment at Pinnacle Spine & Sports can help them, so feel free to drop him an email or call in to the clinic and see how we can help you.

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