Pilates is an exercise technique that, when performed correctly, provides an amazing balance of strength, coordination, control and core awareness.
Our approach to Pilates is based on the teaching of the Australian Physiotherapy Pilates Institute (APPI). The APPI method was developed by taking the traditional core elements of the Pilates technique and adding variations derived from clinical reasoning to equip health professionals working in the clinical setting.
The 5 key elements are specific to the APPI technique, and an understanding of them prior to commencing Pilates with us is an essential part of gaining the most benefit possible.
We highly recommend visiting us for a one-on-one consultation prior to commencing Physio Pilates here with us, as it will give your therapist the best chance to properly assess your condition and tailor a programme that meets your needs. Furthermore, health fund regulations stipulate that you cannot claim a rebate on these classes unless an initial physio consultation is first undertaken.
For those of you who cannot attend an initial physio consultation, however, the video below will prepare you to understand the language and verbal cues used during our classes and ensure you fully grasp the movements and exercises being performed.
If you’re about to start Pilates with us, please ensure you have an understanding of these concepts before beginning. Even if you’re about to attend your one hundredth class, a brush up may also be good!