Because a functional, pain-free body shouldn’t cost you an arm & a leg.
Our clinic memberships are revolutionary.
We strive to do things differently, so that you can get the best results (not so that we can line our own pockets).
You don’t have to sign up to a membership – we still offer the traditional pay-as-you go method like everyone else. But trust us, once you’ve checked out the benefits of membership, you’ll wonder why we’re the only ones doing it.
4 membership levels to choose from.
Monthly maintenance? No worries. Need us a bit more often, with some classes thrown in? We’ve got you covered. Higher frequency requirements? You’re in the right place. More of a class junkie? You’re set.
We’ve got a package to suit everyone.
Each level is capped at a certain number of members, so get in quick before they run out.
Choose your level
Pay As You Go
The traditional method
Same as always – have treatment, pay for treatment, just like a regular old clinic
But be quick – membership spaces are strictly limited!
Why would I sign up for a membership?
Basically, because you can get so much more of what we offer, for so much less cost.
Here at Pinnacle, we’re driven by our “why”, and part of that is seeing people “discover and fulfil their potential“. We know that in order to achieve this, we need to see you for more than just the occasional visit when something goes wrong with your body.
We need to be helping you with regular maintenance care. We need to be getting our hands on your frame more often than not, whilst helping guide you through an exercise and lifestyle programme that is going to get real results (not just reactive pain management).
We know that this involves more appointments than what many people can commit to financially. So a membership allows you to get the level of care that you need, without it costing you an arm & a leg. You get great results, we get to work with people who are truly committed to their ongoing health & wellbeing – it’s a win for everybody.
Can I still claim from my health fund?
Yes. All treatment fees are eligible for health fund rebates, but the process is a little different depending on which level you’re a member of.
Basic: You will receive a paid invoice straight after your appointment confirming that you attended a chiro or physio session at a fee of $79/$82 (the monthly membership fee). You can then send this to your health fund and receive the rebate directly. (Note that you can only claim on that month’s fee if you actually attended for the appointment.) Health funds generally make it super quick & easy to claim manually these days, either by uploading a photo or pdf of the receipt via their app, or submitting it online via their website. You claim generally gets paid the same or next day.
Enhanced: Similar to the basic level, at your first (included) appointment in the month you will receive a paid invoice straight after your appointment confirming that you attended a chiro or physio session at a fee of $109/$119 (the monthly membership fee). When you attend subsequent appointments in the month, you can use your health fund card to claim on the spot against the $59 treatment fee for that session, and just pay the gap as usual (which will be quite minimal, if anything).
Premium: We will provide you with a monthly statement showing the $299/$309 monthly fee divided across the appointments that you attended that month. For example, if you’re on the $299/month up-front payment and came to 4 chiro and 2 physio sessions, your statement will show those sessions at $49.83 each. The health fund will then pay the rebate accordingly for each of those sessions until you reach your annual limit.
What is the fair use policy on the premium level?
Your practitioner(s) will ultimately determine what frequency of care is the best for you. Having a chiro treatment every day, for example, would be considered both unnecessary and unsafe. We will therefore determine what is considered “fair use” on a case by case basis.
Don’t worry though, even if you came 2-3 times a week (which is certainly considered normal for many during the acute injury phase anyway), we’re going to be fine with that.
Is it worth keeping my extras cover?
Well, that’s entirely up to you. But what we’re offering is basically like being in a health fund, but with no annual limits. Tired of getting 5-6 months into the year and having to fork out more for your treatment, AND continue to pay your health fund premium? It might be time to consider dropping your extras cover and taking up a membership with us instead. We’ll never tell you that you’ve reached your annual limit.
When can I take out one of these memberships? Can I start straight away if I’m a new patient?
Once you’ve had your initial chiro or physio consultation, you are welcome to sign up for your next visit onwards. Your initial consultation will not fall under any of these levels though.
Why isn’t exercise physiology or massage included in any membership level?
Hopefully they will be down the track. To begin with, since we need to ensure we’re still able to service the capacity of patients coming through our doors for all these services, we need to grade the inclusions under the membership packages.
We kicked off with just chiro & physio, as these were our core services. Over 85% of appointments at the clinic are for chiro or physio, so it made sense to just start with those then add to it as we go.
Massage appointments are discounted for those on all membership levels.
What if I’m a worker’s comp patient?
No problems. We’ll still bill the insurer in the usual way. You won’t need to have a membership of any sort to receive treatment. You’ll be on the pay-as-you-go system, but the insurer will be the one paying.
What if I am a member, and then go onto workers comp?
We will pause your membership fees until your workers comp case has finished, as all treatment fees will be covered by the insurer.
What about Medicare appointments via a GP referral?
We will still provide treatment under the Medicare Chronic Disease Management scheme (formerly EPC). If you’re a member, these sessions will be gap-free. If you’re not a member, you can still receive these sessions as a pay-as-you-go patient, paying the gap fee as usual.
Won’t your class membership mean that classes fill up pretty quickly?
Yes, probably! So we recommend booking in advance to avoid the disappointment of missing out on your favourite class timeslot.
As classes continue to fill and there’s more demand, we’ll keep adding more classes into the schedule, don’t worry. Keep telling us what sort of classes you’d like to see and when you’d like to see them, and we’ll do our best to accommodate.
Can I pause my class membership?
Yes, we allow for 2 pauses per year, for a minimum of 2 weeks at a time (which is 1 billing cycle, for simplicity).
If you are being treated for an injury by one of our practitioners and they recommend a break from classes to get the injury under control (not that this is a common occurrence), we will also pause your membership until you are given clearance to return.
What if I go on holidays? Can my membership be paused?
Unfortunately not. We will, however, work with you to ensure you still get as many appointments around your holiday that get you the value that you’re used to for your membership.
For example, those on the basic level can move their monthly session forward or back so that you’re still getting the equivalent of a monthly appointment throughout the duration of your membership, even if that means that for one month you’re having more than one appointment in that particular month.
What if I’m a member but I’m unable to get an appointment at my preferred time?
Just like any clinic, we get busy at peak times and appointments may be scarce. Sometimes pay-as-you-go patients have to wait a couple of days to find an available time; the same may occasionally be the case for members too. We recommend getting into a routine of booking your appointments in advance, to ensure you get the time that suits you best.
Why does your premium membership have a minimum time commitment?
We want to work with people who have a long-term commitment to their health & wellbeing. If we had no minimum commitment on the premium level, we would run the risk of people taking advantage of a short-term “smash & grab” approach and getting a whole lot of treatment in a short space of time, which won’t actually fix their ongoing issue.
Real changes take time, and we want to help people who are truly prepared to take that time.
Once the initial 3 month period has been completed, you can continue month-at-a-time for as long as you like. However, if you cancel your premium membership and reactivate it again later, the 3 month minimum period will apply once more.
Quick Comparison
Appointments included
1 standard chiro or physio
1 standard chiro or physio
Unlimited standard chiro & physio @ no charge
Fee for additional appointments
5% off
$59 (approx 40% off)
5% off
5% off
10% off
1/wk (pending space)
Unlimited (pending space)
Pinnacle Digital access
Full Library
Full Library
Products discount
Minimum commitment
3 months
Show me the money!
Comparisons below only consider chiro & physio appointments – adding classes, discounted massages and 10% off products lead to even greater savings.
Visits per month
Standard pay-as-you-go model
Basic Level Member
Enhanced Level Member
Premium Level Member
Ready to join the club?
We’re ready to welcome you.
Pinnacle members get to enjoy more treatment for less cost. It’s really as simple as that.
Sign up today using the buttons above before the memberships are full. We can’t wait to start working with you to find your pinnacle.