By Jack Rogers | Chiropractor & Director of Clinical Operations, Pinnacle Spine & Sports

You’ve probably heard of shin splints, but what on earth are forearm splints?
Forearm splints are exactly the same as shin splints – only in the arm. They occur when joints, ligaments and tendons in your forearm become strained and inflamed from overuse. If you’re a weightlifter or sportsperson, you may be no stranger to forearm pain.
Do you experience a throbbing sensation close to your elbow while lifting weights? If so, there’s a good chance you’re suffering from forearm splints.
What are the symptoms?
The name ‘splint’ covers several tendon-type injuries. Frequent symptoms associated with splint disorders are:
- Pain in your forearm, especially when you try to use it during exercise or daily tasks; this can range from a mild, intermittent ache to constant, throbbing pain
- Point Tenderness when touching your forearm
- Swelling and Redness Down the length of your forearm
Some other symptoms that may occur are:
- Losing power in your arm and less grip strength
- Numbness in the wrist, hands, fingers, or elbow
- A burning sensation, especially when you try to use your forearm muscles
What causes forearm splints?
Forearm splints are most common if you use your upper arms frequently for manual labour or resistance training. Other main mechanisms are elbow tendonitis and over-stretching of the elbow joint.
How can forearm splints be treated?
Fortunately, forearm splints can be managed at home and with your health professional. Rest, Ice, Elevation and Compression, as well as over-the-counter NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories) form the base of initial care. Soft tissue therapy, joint mobilisation techniques, dry needling, taping and tendon loading rehabilitation are all effective therapies your chiropractor and physiotherapist may use to resolve your forearm splints.
You’ll find some helpful information on self-help for forearm splints here: https://www.healthline.com/health/forearm-splints#home-remedies
BUT – it’s important to note that every person’s injury is unique, and so a one-size-fits-all approach may not work for you. To be certain that you’re getting the right management plan, be sure to consult a health professional.
Think you might have forearm splints?
Our team of experts can help you out. Click below to book online with one of our chiros or physios, or email me (jack@wordpress-618427-3319396.cloudwaysapps.com) directly for more information. Alternatively give our reception team a call on 9743 2311 and they can help you out with making a booking to see one of us.