Lengthening and Opening the Body


Our Physio Pilates classes are designed to increase your awareness of how the core muscles (your centre) in your body can work most efficiently to enhance your efficiency of movement and reduce your risk of injury. Each class provides education and a range of levels to make them accessible to people of all abilities.

In this class our emphasis is on creating length in your body as you control the movements in each different position. Lengthening our muscles allows them to work throughout their range and allow our joints to stretch out too. We will also open up our body. This is vital to counteract the positions we spend most of our day in. We often close down through our neck, shoulders and chest as we sit, drive, scroll through our phones. Opening up stimulates the muscles through our upper back and allows us to actively control our posture. Sounds delightful? Come join us.

To stream this class and all of our other quality classes, become a subscription member now.

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